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- Witzany, M., Liu, T.-L., Shim, J.-B., Hargart, F., Koroknay, E., Schulz, W.-M., Jetter, M., Hu, E., Wiersig, J., & Michler, P. (2013). Strong mode coupling in InP quantum dot-based GaInP microdisk cavity dimers. New Journal of Physics, 15(1), Article 1.
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- Bothner, D., Clauss, C., Koroknay, E., Kemmler, M., Gaber, T., Jetter, M., Scheffler, M., Michler, P., Dressel, M., Koelle, D., & Kleiner, R. (2012). Reducing vortex losses in superconducting microwave resonators with microsphere patterned antidot arrays.
- Ulhaq, A., Weiler, S., Ulrich, S. M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2012). Cascaded single-photon emission from the Mollow triplet sidebands of a quantum dot.
- Heldmaier, M., Hermannstädter, C., Witzany, M., Wang, L., Peng, J., Rastelli, A., Bester, G., Schmidt, O. G., & Michler, P. (2012). Growth and spectroscopy of single lateral InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot molecules.
- Koroknay, E., Schulz, W., Richter, D., Rengstl, U., Reischle, M., Bommer, M., Kessler, C., Roßbach, R., Schweizer, H., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2012). Vertically stacked and laterally ordered InP and In(Ga)As quantum dots for quantum gate applications.
- Kessler, C. A., Reischle, M., Roßbach, R., Koroknay, E., Jetter, M., Schweizer, H., & Michler, P. (2012). Optical investigations on single vertically coupled InP/GaInP quantum dot pairs.
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- Hermannstädter, C., Witzany, M., Heldmaier, M., Hafenbrak, R., Jöns, K. D., Beirne, G. J., & Michler, P. (2012). Polarization anisotropic luminescence of tunable single lateral quantum dot molecules.
- Heldmaier, M., Seible, M., Hermannstädter, C., Witzany, M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., Michler, P., Wang, L., Rastelli, A., & Schmidt, O. G. (2012). Excited-state spectroscopy of single lateral self-assembled InGaAs quantum dot molecules.
- Jöns, K. D., Hafenbrak, R., Atkinson, P., Rastelli, A., Schmidt, O. G., & and P. Michler. (2012). Quantum state tomography measurements on strain-tuned InxGa1�-xAs/GaAs quantum dots.
- Weiler, S., Ulhaq, A., Roy, C., Hughes, S., Ulrich, S. M., Richter, D., Jetter, M., & and P. Michler. (2012). Phonon-assisted incoherent excitation of a quantum dot and its emission properties.
- Zaske, S., Lenhard, A., Keßler, C. A., Kettler, J., Hepp, C., Arend, C., Albrecht, R., Schulz, W.-M., Jetter, M., Michler, P., & and Christoph Becher. (2012). Visible-to-Telecom Quantum Frequency Conversion of Light from a Single Quantum Emitter.
- Kessler, C. A., Reischle, M., Hargart, F., Schulz, W.-M., Eichfelder, M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., and P. Michler P. Gartner, Florian, M., Gies, C., & and F. Jahnke. (2012). Strong antibunching from electrically driven devices with long pulses: A regime for quantum-dot single-photon generation. /brokenurl#
- Heindel, T., Kessler, C. A., Rau, M., Schneider, C., Fürst, M., Hargart, F., Schulz, W.-M., Eichfelder, M., Roßbach, R., Nauerth, S., Lermer, M., Weier, H., Jetter, M., Kamp, M., Reitzenstein, S., Höfling, S., Michler, P., Weinfurter, H., & Forchel, A. (2012). Quantum key distribution using quantum dot single-photon emitting diodes in the red and near infrared spectral range.
- Wiesner, M., Schulz, W.-M., Kessler, C., Reischle, M., Metzner, S., Bertram, F., Christen, J., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2012). Single-photon emission from electrically driven InP quantum dots epitaxially grown on CMOS-compatible Si(001).
- Koroknay, E., Rengstl, U., Bommer, M., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2012). Site-controlled growth of InP/GaInP islands on periodic hole patterns in GaAs substrates produced by microsphere photolithography.
- Wiesner, M., Bommer, M., Schulz, W.-M., Etter, M., Werner, J., Oehme, M., Schulze, J., Jetter, M., & and Peter Michler. (2012). Epitaxially Grown Indium Phosphide Quantum Dots on a Virtual Ge Substrate Realized on Si(001).
- Wang, X., Kim, S.-S., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., Michler, P., & Mizaikoff, B. (2012). Ultra-sensitive mid-infrared evanescent field sensors combining thin-film strip waveguides with quantum cascade lasers.
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- Müller, M., Schmidt, G., Metzner, S., Bertram, F., Petzold, S., Veit, P., Christen, J., Wächter, C., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2012). Direct imaging of GaN Pyramids covered by InGaN Single Quantum Well using nano-scale Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Cathodoluminescence. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 18(S2), Article S2. 10.1017/S143192761201104X
- Wunderer, T., Feneberg, M., Lipski, F., Wang, J., Leute, R. A. R., Schwaiger, S., Thonke, K., Chuvilin, A., Kaiser, U., Metzner, S., Bertram, F., Christen, J., Beirne, G. J., Jetter, M., Michler, P., Schade, L., Vierheilig, C., Schwarz, U. T., Dräger, A. D., … Scholz, F. (2011). Three-dimensional GaN for semipolar light emitters.;jsessionid=621E84557C28CEFD81F438783E8B28DD.d02t02
- Schwarzbäck, T., Kahle, H., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2011). Halbleiterscheibenlaser für Spektroskopieanwendungen im roten und ultravioletten Spektralbereich.
- Bommer, M., Schulz, W.-M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., Michler, P., Thomay, T., Leitenstorfer, A., & and R. Bratschitsch. (2011). Triggered single-photon emission in the red spectral range from optically excited InP/(Al,Ga)InP quantum dots embedded in micropillars up to 100 K.
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- Wächter, C., Meyer, A., Metzner, S., Jetter, M., andJürgen Christen, F. B., & and Peter Michler. (2011). Spectral features in different sized InGaN/GaN micropyramids. /brokenurl#NULL
- Jöns, K. D., Hafenbrak, R., Singh, R., Ding, F., Plumhof, J. D., Rastelli, A., Schmidt, O. G., Bester, G., & and P. Michler. (2011). Dependence of the Redshifted and Blueshifted Photoluminescence Spectra of <br>Single InxGa1-xAs/GaAs Quantum Dots on the Applied Uniaxial Stress.
- Jetter, M., C.Waechter, Meyer, A., & and P. Michler. (2011). MOVPE grown quaternary AllnGaN layers for polarization matched quantum wells and efficient active regions.
- Jetter, M., Wächter, C., Meyer, A., Feneberg, M., Thonke, K., & Michler, P. (2011). Quaternary AlxInyGa1−x−yN layers deposited by pulsed metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy for high efficiency light emission. Journal of Crystal Growth, 315(1), Article 1.
- Weiler, S., Ulhaq, A., Ulrich, S. M., Reitzenstein, S., Löffler, A., Forchel, A., & and Peter Michler. (2011). Highly indistinguishable photons from a quantum dot in a microcavity.
- Weidenfeld, S., Eichfelder, M., Wiesner, M., Schulz, W.-M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., & and Peter Michler. (2011). Transverse-Mode Analysis of Red-Emitting Highly Polarized Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers.
- Witzany, M., Roßbach, R., Schulz, W.-M., M.Jetter, Michler, P., Liu, T.-L., Hu, E., Wiersig, J., & and F. Jahnke. (2011). Lasing properties of InP/(Ga_0.51In_0.49)P quantum dots in microdisk cavities.
- Schwarzbäck, T., Kahle, H., Eichfelder, M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., & and P. Michler. (2011). Wavelength tunable ultraviolet laser emission via intra-cavity frequency doubling of an AlGaInP vertical external-cavity surface-emitting laser down to 328 nm.
- Ulrich, S. M., Ates, S., Reitzenstein, S., Löffler, A., Forchel, A., & and P. Michler. (2011). Dephasing of Triplet-Sideband Optical Emission of a Resonantly Driven InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot inside a Microcavity.
- Schwarzbaeck, T., Eichfelder, M., Schulz, W.-M., Rossbach, R., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2011). Short wavelength red-emitting AlGaInP-VECSEL exceeds 1.2 W continuous-wave output power. Applied Physics B, 102(4), Article 4.
- Hermannstädter, C., Beirne, G. J., Witzany, M., Heldmaier, M., Peng, J., Bester, G., Wang, L., Rastelli, A., Schmidt, O. G., & and P. Michler. (2010). Influence of the charge carrier tunneling processes on the recombination dynamics in single lateral quantum dot molecules.
- Richter, D., Roßbach, R., Schulz, W.-M., Koroknay, E., Kessler, C., Jetter, M., & and Peter Michler. (2010). Low-density InP quantum dots embedded in Ga0.51In0.49 P with high optical quality realized by a strain inducing layer.
- Bertram, F., Metzner, S., Christen, J., Jetter, M., Wächter, C., & Michler, P. (2010). Cathodoluminescence Microscopy of Self-Organized InGaN Nano-Structures on GaN Pyramids. /brokenurl#NULL
- Peng, J., Hermannstädter, C., Witzany, M., Heldmaier, M., Wang, L., Kiravittaya, S., Rastelli, A., Schmidt, O. G., Michler, P., & Bester, G. (2010). Heterogeneous confinement in laterally coupled InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot molecules under lateral electric fields.
- Schulz, W.-M., Thomay, T., Eichfelder, M., Bommer, M., Wiesner, M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., Bratschitsch, R., Leitenstorfer, A., & Michler, P. (2010). Optical properties of red emitting self-assembled InP/(Al0.20 Ga0.80 )0.51 In0.49 P quantum dot based micropillars.
- Weiler, S., Ulhaq, A., Ulrich, S. M., Reitzenstein, S., Löffler, A., Forchel, A., & and P. Michler. (2010). Emission characteristics of a highly correlated system of a quantum dot coupled to two distinct micropillar cavity modes.
- Jetter, M., Wächter, C., Meyer, A., M.Feneberg, Thonke, K., & Michler, P. (2010). Quaternary AlxInyGa1-x-yN layers deposited by pulsed metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy for high efficiency light emission.
- Ulhaq, A., Ates, S., Weiler, S., Ulrich, S. M., Reitzenstein, S., Löffler, A., Höfling, S., Worschech, L., Forchel, A., & and P. Michler. (2010). Linewidth broadening and emission saturation of a resonantly excited quantum dot monitored via an off-resonant cavity mode.
- Stöhr, R. J., Beirne, G. J., Michler, P., Scholz, R., Wrachtrup, J., & Pflaum, J. (2010). Enhanced photoluminescence from self-organized rubrene single crystal surface structures.
- Reischle, M., Kessler, C., Schulz, W.-M., Eichfelder, M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., & and P. Michler. (2010). Triggered single-photon emission from electrically excited quantum dots in the red spectral range.
- Richter, D., Hafenbrak, R., Jöns, K. D., Schulz, W.-M., Eichfelder, M., Heldmaier, M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2010). Low-density MOVPE grown InGaAs QDs exhibiting ultra-narrow single exciton linewidths.
- Wächter, C., Meyer, A., Metzner, S., Jetter, M., Bertram, F., Christen, J., & Michler, P. (2010). High wavelength tunability of InGaN quantum wells grown on semipolar GaN pyramid facets.
- Schulz, W.-M., Eichfelder, M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., & and P. Michler. (2010). InP/AlGaInP quantum dot laser emitting at 638 nm.
- Eichfelder, M., Schulz, W.-M., Reischle, M., Wiesner, M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2010). Growth and characterization of electrically pumped red-emitting VCSEL with embedded InP/AlGaInP quantumdots.
- Schulz, W.-M., Eichfelder, M., Reischle, M., Kessler, C., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., & and P. Michler. (2010). Pulsed single-photon resonant-cavity quantum dot LED.
- Eichfelder, M., Schulz, W.-M., Reischle, M., Wiesner, M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., & and P. Michler. (2009). Room-temperature lasing of electrically pumped red-emitting InP/(Al0.20Ga0.80)0.51In0.49P quantum dots embedded in a vertical microcavity.
- Ates, S., Ulrich, S. M., Ulhaq, A., Reitzenstein, S., Löffler, A., Höfling, S., Forchel, A., & and P. Michler. (2009). Non-resonant dot-cavity coupling and its potential for resonant single-quantum-dot spectroscopy.
- Schulz, W.-M., Eichfelder, M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., & and Peter Michler. (2009). Low Threshold InP/AlGaInP Quantum Dot In-Plane Laser Emitting at 638 nm.
- Hafenbrak, R., Ulrich, S. M., Wang, L., Rastelli, A., Schmidt, O. G., & Michler, P. (2009). Invited: Single entangled photon pair emission from an InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot up to temperatures of 30 K.
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- Jetter, M., Roßbach, R., & Michler, P. (2009). Red VCSEL for high-speed data communication via POF.
- Ates, S., Ulrich*, S. M., Reitzenstein, S., Löffler, A., Forchel, A., & and P. Michler. (2009). Post-Selected Indistinguishable Photons from the Resonance Fluorescence of a Single Quantum Dot in a Microcavity.
- Hermannstädter, C., Witzany, M., Beirne, G. J., Schulz, W.-M., Eichfelder, M., Rossbach, R., Jetter, M., Michler, P., Wang, L., Rastelli, A., & and O. G. Schmidt. (2009). Invited: Polarization fine-structure and enhanced single-photon emission of self-assembled lateral InGaAs quantum dot molecules embedded in a planar micro-cavity.
- Roßbach, R., Schulz, W.-M., Reischle, M., Beirne, G. J., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2008). Increased single-photon emission from InP/AlGaInP quantum dots grown on AlGaAs distributed Bragg reflectors.
- Roßbach, R., Schulz, W.-M., Eichfelder, M., Reischle, M., Beirne, G. J., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2008). Red to orange electroluminescence from InP/AlGaInP quantum dots at room temperature.
- Reischle, M., Beirne, G. J., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., Schweizer, H., & Michler, P. (2008). Non-resonant tunneling in single pairs of vertically stacked asymmetric InP/GaInP quantum dots.
- Roßbach, R., Schulz, W.-M., Reischle, M., Beirne, G. J., Hermannstädter, C., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2008). Growth of red InP/GaInP quantum dots on a low density InAs/GaAs island seed layer by MOVPE.
- Ates, S., Gies, C., Ulrich, S. M., Wiersig, J., Reitzenstein, S., Löffler, A., Forchel, A., Jahnke, F., & and P. Michler. (2008). Influence of the spontaneous optical emission factor beta on the first-order coherence of a semiconductor microcavity laser. /brokenurl#NULL
- Reischle, M., Beirne, G. J., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., & and P. Michler. (2008). Influence of the Dark Exciton State on the Optical and Quantum Optical Properties of Single Quantum Dots.
- Jetter, M., Roßbach, R., & Michler, P. (2008). Rote VCSEL für Hochgeschwindigkeits-Datenübertragung über POF.
- Ulrich, S. M., Ates, S., Michler, P., Gies, C., Wiersig, J., Jahnke, F., Reitzenstein, S., Hofmann, C., & andand A. Forchel, A. L. (2008). Invited: Emission Characteristics, Photon Statistics and Coherence Properties of high-ß Semiconductor Micropillar Lasers.
- Wang, L., Rastelli, A., Kiravittaya, S., Atkinson, P., Ding, F., Bufon, C. C. B., Hermannstädter, C., Witzany, M., Beirne, G. J., Michler, P., & Schmidt, O. G. (2008). Towards deterministically controlled InGaAs/GaAs lateral quantum dot molecules.
- Reischle, M., Beirne, G. J., Schulz, W.-M., Eichfelder, M., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., & and P. Michler. (2008). Electrically pumped single-photon emission in the visible spectral range up to 80 K.
- Roßbach, R., Reischle, M., Beirne, G. J., Jetter, M., & and Peter Michler. (2008). Red single-photon emission from an InP/GaInP quantum dot embedded in a planar monolithic microcavity. /brokenurl#NULL
- Roller, T., & Bolse, W. (2007). Oxygen diffusion and oxide phase formation in iron under swift heavy ion irradiation. /brokenurl#NULL
- Beirne, G. J., Reischle, M., Rossbach, R., Schulz, W. M., Jetter, M., Seebeck, J., Gartner, P., Gies, C., Jahnke, F., & and P. Michler. (2007). Electronic shell structure and carrier dynamics of high aspect ratio InP single quantum dots. /brokenurl#NULL
- Gu, L., Srot, V., Sigle, W., Koch, C., van Aken, P., Scholz, F., Thapa, S. B., Kirchner, C., Jetter, M., & and M. Rühle. (2007). Bandgap measurements of direct and indirect semiconductors using monochromated electrons. /brokenurl#NULL
- Vogel, M. M., Ulrich, S. M., Hafenbrak, R., Michler, P., Wang, L., Rastelli, A., & Schmidt, O. G. (2007). Influence of lateral electric fields on multiexcitonic transitions and fine structure of single quantum dots.
- Hafenbrak, R., Ulrich, S. M., Michler, P., Wang, L., Rastelli, A., & Schmidt, O. G. (2007). Triggered polarization-entangled photon pairs from a single quantum dot up to 30 K.
- Ates, S., Ulrich, S. M., Michler, P., Reitzenstein, S., Löffler, A., & and A. Forchel. (2007). Coherence properties of high-beta elliptical semiconductor micropillar lasers. /brokenurl#NULL
- Beirne, G. J., Reischle, M., Roßbach, R., Schulz, W. M., Jetter, M., Seebeck, J., Gartner, P., Gies, C., Jahnke, F., & and P. Michler. (2007). Electronic shell structure and carrier dynamics of high aspect ratio InP single quantum dots. /brokenurl#NULL
- Roßbach, R., Schulz, W. M., Jetter, M., & and P. Michler. (2007). Green Photoluminescence of Single InPQuantum Dots grown on Al0.66Ga0.33InP/AlInP Distributed Bragg Reflectors. /brokenurl#NULL
- Roßbach, R., Schulz, W. M., Reischle, M., Beirne, G. J., Jetter, M., & and P. Michler. (2007). Red to Green Photoluminescence of InPQuantum Dots in AlxGa1-xInP. /brokenurl#NULL
- Gröning, A., Pérez-Solórzano, V., Jetter, M., & and H. Schweizer. (2007). Regions of different confinement in low-dimensional AlInGaN quantum structures. /brokenurl#NULL
- Wunderer, T., Brückner, P., Hertkorn, J., Scholz, F., Beirne, G. J., Jetter, M., Michler, P., Feneberg, M., & Thonke, K. (2007). Time-resolved photoluminescence of semipolar GaInN/GaN multiquantum well structures. /brokenurl#NULL
- Ulrich, S. M., Gies, C., Ates, S., Wiersig, J., Reitzenstein, S., Hofmann, C., Löffler, A., Forchel, A., Jahnke, F., & and P. Michler. (2007). Photon Statistics of Semiconductor Microcavity Lasers. /brokenurl#NULL
- Rastelli, A., Ulhaq, A., Kirravittaya, S., Wang, L., Schmidt, O. G., & Zrenner, A. (2007). In situ laser microprocessing of single self-assembled quantum dots and optical microcavities. <>
- Roßbach, R., Reischle, M., Beirne, G. J., Schweizer, H., Jetter, M., & and P. Michler. (2007). Vertical asymmetric double Quantum Dots. /brokenurl#NULL
- Reischle, M., Beirne, G. J., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., Schweizer, H., & and P. Michler. (2007). Nonresonant tunneling in single asymmetric pairs of vertically stacked InP quantum dots. /brokenurl#NULL
- Reischle, M., Beirne, G. J., Roßbach, R., Jetter, M., Schweizer, H., & and P. Michler. (2007). Optical investigations of single pairs of vertically stacked asymmetric InP/GaInP quantum dots. /brokenurl#NULL
- Rumbolz, C., Bolse, W., Kumar, S., Chauhan, R. S., Kabiraj, D., & Avasthi, D. K. (2006). Smoothing of Fe/Au- and Fe/Ag-multilayers by swift heavy ion bombardment. /brokenurl#NULL
- Bolse, T., Paulus, H., & Bolse, W. (2006). Swift heavy ion induced dewetting of metal oxide thin films on silicon. /brokenurl#NULL
- Schwab, M., Kurtze, H., Auer, T., Bestermann, T., Bayer, M., Wiersig, J., Bear, N., Gies, C., Jahnke, F., Reithmaier, J. P., Forchel, A., Benyoucef, M., & Michler, P. (2006). Radiative emission dynamics of quantum dots in a single cavity micropillar. /brokenurl#NULL
- Ballmann, T., Roßbach, R., Butendeich, R., Raabe, B., Jetter, M., Scholz, F., & and H. Schweizer. (2006). Analog Modulation of 650 nm VCSEL. /brokenurl#NULL
- Paulus, H., Bolse, T., & Bolse, W. (2006). Smoothing, compaction, mixing, sputtering and dewetting of semimetal- and halogenide-coatings by swift heavy ion irradiation. /brokenurl#NULL
- Benyoucef, M., Rastelli, A., Schmidt, O. G., Ulrich, S. M., & Michler, P. (2006). Temperature dependent optical properties of single hierarchically self-assembled GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots. /brokenurl#NULL
- Hermannstädter, C., Beirne, G. J., Wang, L., Rastelli, A., Schmidt, O. G., & and P. Michler. (2006). Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy of Tunnel-Coupled Lateral Quantum Dot Molecules. /brokenurl#NULL
- Wunderer, T., Brückner, P., Hertkorn, J., Scholz, F., Beirne, G. J., Jetter, M., Michler, P., Feneberg, M., & Thonke, K. (2006). Time-resolved photoluminescence of semipolar GaInN/GaN multiquantum well structures. /brokenurl#NULL
- Avasthi, G.-E. D. K., & Bolse, W. (2006). Invited: Nuclear Instruments and Methods. /brokenurl#NULL
- Kumar, S., Chauhan, R. S., Khan, S. A., Bolse, W., & Avasthi, D. K. (2006). Swift heavy ion induced mixing in metal/metal system. /brokenurl#NULL
- Beirne, G. J., Hermannstädter, C., Wang, L., Rastelli, A., Schmidt, O. G., & and P. Michler. (2006). Quantum Light Emission of two lateral tunnel-coupled (In,Ga)As/GaAs Quantum Dots controlled by a tunable static electric Field.
- Bolse, T., Elsanousi, A., Paulus, H., & Bolse, W. (2006). Dewetting of nickeloxide-films on silicon under swift heavy ion irradiation. /brokenurl#NULL
- Dais, C., Bolse, T., Schattat, B., Bolse, W., Schubert-Bischoff, P., & Lindner, J. K. N. (2006). Swift heavy ion induced phase formation at NiO/Si-interfaces. /brokenurl#NULL
- Avasthi, G.-E. D. K., & Bolse, W. (2006). Nuclear Instruments and Methods. /brokenurl#NULL
- Bolse, W. (2006). Self-organized nano-structuring of thin oxide-films under swift heavy ion bombardment. /brokenurl#NULL
- Roller, T., & Bolse, W. (2006). Oxygen diffusion and oxide phase formation in iron under swift heavy ion irradiation. /brokenurl#NULL
- Pérez-Solórzano, V., Ubl, M., Gräbeldinger, H., Gröning, A., Schweizer, H., & Jetter, M. (2005). Selective Growth of GaInN Quantum Dot Structures. /brokenurl#NULL
- Michler, P. (2005). Invited: Starke Kopplung im Festkörper. /brokenurl#NULL
- Pérez-Solórzano, V., Gröning, A., Schweizer, H., & Jetter, M. (2005). Evidence of different confinement regions in site-controlled pyramidal InGaN quantum dots. /brokenurl#NULL
- Ulrich, S. M., Benyoucef, M., Michler, P., Baer, N., Gartner, P., Janke, F., Schwab, M., Kurtze, H., Bayer, M., Fafard, S., & and Z. Wasilewski. (2005). Correlated photon-pair emission from a charged single quantum dot.
- Bolse, W., Bolse, T., Dais, C., Etissa-Debissa, D., Elsanousi, A., Feyh, A., Kalafat, M., & Paulus, H. (2005). Modification of ceramic coatings by swift heavy ions. /brokenurl#NULL
- Pérez-Solórzano, V., Gröning, A., Jetter, M., Riemann, T., & and J. Christen. (2005). Near-red emission from site-controlled pyramidal InGaN quantum dots. /brokenurl#NULL
- Beirne, G. J., Michler, P., Jetter, M., & Schweizer, H. (2005). Single-photon emission from a type-B InP/GaInP quantum dot. /brokenurl#NULL
- Schattat, B., Bolse, W., Klaumünzer, S., Zizak, I., & Scholz, R. (2005). Cylindrical nanopores in NiO induced by swift heavy ions. /brokenurl#NULL
- Schattat, B., Bolse, W., Elsanousi, A., & Renz, T. (2005). Interface mixing induced by swift heavy ions at metal-oxide/silicon interfaces. /brokenurl#NULL
- Benyoucef, M., Ulrich, S. M., Michler, P., Wiersig, J., Jahnke, F., & Forchel, A. (2005). Correlated photon pairs from single (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dot in pillar microcavities.
- Roßbach, R., Ballmann, T., Butendeich, R., Schweizer, H., Scholz, F., & Jetter, M. (2004). Red VCSEL for High-Temperature Applications. /brokenurl#NULL
- Jetter, M., Pérez-Solórzano, V., Gröning, A., Ubl, M., Gräbeldinger, H., & Schweizer, H. (2004). Selective Growth of GaInN Quantum Dot Structures. /brokenurl#NULL
- Pérez-Solórzano, V., Gröning, A., Härle, R., Schweizer, H., & Jetter, M. (2004). Characterisation of quaternary AlInGaN thick layers and quantum wells grown by MOVPE. /brokenurl#NULL
- Benyoucef, M., Ulrich, S. M., Michler, P., Wiersig, J., Jahnke, F., & and A. Forchel. (2004). Enhanced correlation photon pair emission from a pillar microcavity.
- Kruse, C., Ulrich, S. M., Alexe, G., Roventa, E., Kröger, R., Brendemühl, B., Michler, P., Gutowski, J., & and D. Hommel. (2004). Green monolithic II-VI vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser emitting at room temperature.
- Bolse, W., & Wiesner, J. (2004). Decoration of swift heavy ion tracks in nickel-oxide with gold atoms. /brokenurl#NULL
- Pérez-Solórzano, V., Gröning, A., Schweizer, H., & Jetter, M. (2004). The Growth of Self-Assembled AlxInyGa1-x-yN Quantum Dots by MOVPE. /brokenurl#NULL
- Rastelli, A., Ulrich, S. M., Pavelescu, E.-M., Leinonen, T., Pessa, M., Michler, P., & Schmidt, O. G. (2004). Self-Assembled quantum dots for single-dot optical investigations.
- Schattat, B., & Bolse, W. (2004). Fast heavy ion induced interface mixing in thin-film systems. /brokenurl#NULL
- Schattat, B., Dhar, S., Lieb, K. P., & Bolse, W. (2003). Interface mixing in Ni3N/SiX bilayers induced by swift heavy ions. /brokenurl#NULL
- Bolse, W. (2003). Interface modification by swift heavy ions. /brokenurl#NULL
- Bolse, W., & Schattat, B. (2003). Atomic transport in hot ion tracks. /brokenurl#NULL
- Jetter, M., Rossi, M., Porsche, J., Scholz, F., Schweizer, H., Glynn, T. J., & and G. J. Beirne. (2003). Optical Studies of GaInP/GaP Quantum Dots. /brokenurl#NULL
- Scholz, F., Moutchnik, G., Dumitru, V., Härle, R., & Schweizer, H. (2003). Investigations about series resistance of MOVPE grown GaN laser structures. /brokenurl#NULL
- Röwe, M., Vehse, M., Michler, P., Gutowski, J., Heppel, S., & and A. Hangleiter. (2003). Invited: Optical gain, gain saturation, and waveguiding in group III-nitride heterostructures.
- Bolse, W., Schattat, B., & Feyh, A. (2003). Modification of thin layer systems by swift heavy ions. /brokenurl#NULL
- Ulrich, S. M., Strauf, S., Michler, P., Bacher, G., & and A. Forchel. (2003). Triggered polarization-correlated photon pairs from a single CdSe quantum dot.
- Kumar, S., Chauhan, R. S., Singh, R. P., Kabiraj, D., Sahoo, P. K., Rumbolz, C., Srivastava, S. K., Bolse, W., & Avasthi, D. K. (2003). Mixing in Cu/Ge system by swift heavy ions. /brokenurl#NULL
- Roßbach, R., Butendeich, R., Ballmann, T., Raabe, B., Jetter, M., Schweizer, H., & Scholz, F. (2003). 160°C pulsed laser operation of AlGaInP-based vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. /brokenurl#NULL
- Hahn, E., Rosenauer, A., Gerthsen, D., Off, J., Perez-Solorzano, V., Jetter, M., & Scholz, F. (2002). In-Redistribution in a GaInN Quantum Well upon Thermal Annealing.
- Gutowski, J., Michler, P., Rückmann, H. I., Breunig, H. G., Röwe, M., Sebald, K., & and T. Voss. (2002). Invited: Excitons in Wide-Gap Semiconductors: Coherence, Dynamics, and Lasing. /brokenurl#NULL
- Strauf, S., Michler, P., Klude, M., Hommel, D., Bacher, G., & and A. Forchel. (2002). Quantum optical studies on individual acceptor bound excitons in a semiconductor.
- Schattat, B., Bolse, W., Klaumünzer, S., Harbsmeier, F., & Jasenek, A. (2002). Atomic mixing of Ni2O3/SiO2, NiO/SiO2 and Ni/SiO2-interfaces induced by swift heavy ions. /brokenurl#NULL
- Bolse, W. (2002). Atomic transport in thin film systems under heavy ion bombardment. /brokenurl#NULL
- Schweizer, H., Gräbeldinger, H., Dumitru, V., Jetter, M., Bader, S., Brüderl, G., Weimar, A., Lell, A., & Härle, V. (2002). Laterally coupled InGaN/GaN DFB laser diodes. Wiley Online Library.<301::AID-PSSA301>3.0.CO;2-D
- Schattat, B., Bolse, W., Klaumünzer, S., Harbsmeier, F., & Jasenek, A. (2002). Interface mixing of CuOx/SiO2 bilayers by swift heavy ions. /brokenurl#NULL
- Perez-Solorzano, V., Kobayashi, Y., Jetter, M., Schweizer, H., Scholz, F., Hahn, E., & and D. Gerthsen. (2002). Initial Experiments to Obtain Self-Assembled GaInN Quantum Islands by MOVPE. /brokenurl#NULL
- Strauf, S., & Michler, P. (2002). Invited: Identische Photonen auf Bestellung.
- Michler, P. (2002). Invited: Quantum dots break new ground.
- Bolse, W. (2002). Invited: Atomic transport in thin film systems under heavy ion bombardment. /brokenurl#NULL
- Bolse, W., & Schattat, B. (2002). Atomic mixing in thin film systems by swift heavy ions. /brokenurl#NULL
- Jetter, M., Perez-Solorzano, V., Kobayashi, Y., Ost, M., Scholz, F., & and H. Schweizer. (2002). Photoluminescence Studies on InGaN/GaN Quantum Dots. /brokenurl#NULL
- Sebald, K., Michler, P., Passow, T., Hommel, D., Bacher, G., & and A. Forchel. (2002). Single photon emission of CdSe quantum dots at temperatures up to 200 K.
- Kraft, S., Schattat, B., Bolse, W., Klaumünzer, S., Harbsmeier, F., Kulinska, A., & Löffl, A. (2002). Ion beam mixing of ZnO/SiO2 and Sb/Ni/Si interfaces under swift heavy ion irradiation. /brokenurl#NULL
- Vehse, M., Michler, P., Gösling, I., Röwe, M., Gutowski, J., Bader, S., Lell, A., Brüderl, G., & and V. Härle. (2002). Influence of barrier height on optical gain and transparency density in GaN based laser structures.
- Passow, T., Klude, M., Kruse, C., Leonardi, K., Kröger, R., Alexe, G., Sebald, K., Ulrich, S. M., Michler, P., Gutowski, J., Heinke, H., Hommel, D., & (invited), J. G. (2002). Invited: On the way to the II-VI quantum dot VCSEL. /brokenurl#NULL
- Becher, C., Kiraz, A., Michler, P., Imamoglu, A., Schoenfeld, W. V., Petroff, P. M., Zhang, L., & and E. Hu. (2001). Nonclassical radiation from a single self-assembled InAs quantum dot.
- Harbsmeier, F., Bolse, W., & Flank, A.-M. (2001). Ion beam induced solid state reaction in Si/C layer systems. /brokenurl#NULL
- Vehse, M., Michler, P., Gutowski, J., Figge, S., Hommel, D., Selke, H., Keller, S., & DenBaars, S. P. (2001). Influence of composition and well-width fluctuations on optical gain in (In,Ga)N multiple quantum wells.
- und C. Becher, P. M. (2001). Invited: Photonen auf Bestellung. /brokenurl#NULL
- Davies, J. J., Wolverson, D., Strauf, S., Michler, P., Gutowski, J., Klude, M., Ohkawa, K., Hommel, D., Tournie, E., & Faurie, J. P. (2001). Direct evidence for the trigonal symmetry of shallow phosporus acceptors in ZnSe.
- Roccaforte, F., Bolse, W., & Lieb, K. P. (2001). Epitaxial crystallization of keV-ion-bombarded a-quartz. /brokenurl#NULL
- Kiraz, A., Michler, P., Becher, C., Zhang, L., Hu, E., Schoenfeld, W. V., Petroff, P. M., & Imamoglu, A. (2001). Cavity-QED using a single InAs quantum dot and a high-Q whispering gallery mode.
- Vehse, M., Michler, P., Lange, O., Röwe, M., Gutowski, J., Bader, S., Lugauer, H.-J., Brüderl, G., Weimar, A., Lell, A., & Härle, V. (2001). Optical gain and saturation in nitride-based laser structures.
- Michler, P., Kiraz, A., Becher, C., Schoenfeld, W. V., Petroff, P. M., Zhang, L., Hu, E., & and A. Imamoglu. (2001). Invited: A Quantum Dot Single Photon Source.
- Gustafsson, M., Roccaforte, F., Keinonen, J., Bolse, W., Ziegeler, L., & Lieb, K. P. (2000). Oxygen activated epitaxial recrystallization of Li-implanted a-SiO2. /brokenurl#NULL
- Roccaforte, F., Gustafsson, M. J., Bolse, W., Keinonen, J., & Lieb, K. P. (2000). Epitaxial recrystallization of alkali-ion implanted a-quartz. /brokenurl#NULL
- Michler, P., Imamoglu, A., Mason, M. D., Carson, P. J., Strouse, G. F., & and S. K. Buratto. (2000). Quantum correlation between photons from a single quantum dot at room temperature. /brokenurl#NULL
- Michler, P., Kiraz, A., Becher, C., Schoenfeld, W. V., Petroff, P. M., Zhang, L., Hu, E., & Imamoglu, A. (2000). A quantum dot single photon turnstile device.
- Homburg, O., Sebald, K., Michler, P., Gutowski, J., Wenisch, H., & and D. Hommel. (2000). The negatively charged trion in ZnSe single quantum wells with very low electron densities.
- Michler, P., Kiraz, A., Zhang, L., Becher, C., Hu, E., & and A. Imamoglu. (2000). Laser emission from quantum dots in microdisk structures.
- Habenicht, S., Lieb, K. P., Bolse, W., Geyer, U., Roccaforte, F., & Ronning, C. (2000). Ion beam erosion of graphite surfaces studied by STM: /brokenurl#NULL
- Bolse, W., Gustafsson, M., Harbsmeier, F., & Roccaforte, F. (2000). Diffusion of hydrogen implanted in a-quartz during air annealing. /brokenurl#NULL
- Jasenek, A., Rau, U., Hahn, T., Hanna, G., Schmidt, M., Hartmann, M., Schock, H. W., Werner, J. H., Schattat, B., Kraft, S., Schmid, K.-H., & Bolse, W. (2000). Defect generation in polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)Se2 by high-energy electron irradiation. /brokenurl#NULL
- Harbsmeier, F., Bolse, W., & Flank, A. M. (2000). Solid state reaction in Si-C multilayers induced by ion bombardment. /brokenurl#NULL
- Habenicht, S., Bolse, W., Feldermann, H., Geyer, U., Hofsäss, H., Lieb, K. P., & Roccaforte, F. (2000). Ripple topography of ion-beam-eroded graphite:A key to ion-beam-induced damage tracks. /brokenurl#NULL
- Beirne, G. J., Farrell, I. L., Grogan, C. M., Connolly, J. O., O’Connor, G. M., & Glynn, T. J. (2000). Temperature dependence of InP/GaInP quantum dot photoluminescence. /brokenurl#NULL
- Aichmayr, G., Jetter, M., Vina, L., Dickerson, J., Camino, F., & Mendez, E. E. (1999). Electric-Field Tuning of Spin-Dependent Exciton-Exciton Interactions in Coupled Quantum Wells.
- Schwickert, M., Lieb, K. P., Bolse, W., Gustafsson, M., & Keinonen, J. (1999). Xenon-ion-beam modifications of a-SiO2 and Ni/a-SiO2 layers. /brokenurl#NULL
- Dhar, S., Bolse, W., & Lieb, K. P. (1999). Temperature dependence of ion beam induced amorphization in a-quartz. /brokenurl#NULL
- Roccaforte, F., Bolse, W., & Lieb, K. P. (1999). Network modification and epitaxial recrystallisation of ion-implanted a-quartz. /brokenurl#NULL
- Jetter, M., Stalzer, H., Körbl, M., Porsche, J., Scholz, F., & Schweizer, H. (1999). Optically induced Stark shift in DFB resonators. /brokenurl#NULL
- Homburg, O., Michler, P., Heinecke, R., Gutowski, J., Wenisch, H., Behringer, M., & and D . Hommel. (1999). Biexcitonic gain characteristics in ZnSe-based lasers with binary wells.
- Aichmayer, G., Jetter, M., Vina, L., Dickerson, J. H., Camino, F., & Mendez, E. O. (1999). Spin-Dependent Exciton-Exciton Interaction in Quantum Wells under an Electric Field. Wiley Online Library.<223::AID-PSSB223>3.0.CO;2-3
- Lilienkamp, T., Michler, P., Ebeling, W., Gutowski, J., Behringer, M., Fehrer, M., & and D. Hommel. (1999). Electroabsorption studies on quasi-three-dimensional and quasi-two-dimensional excitions in (Zn,Cd)Se/Zn(S,Se) structures. /brokenurl#NULL
- Dhar, S., Bolse, W., & Lieb, K. P. (1999). Ion-beam induced amorphization and dynamic epitaxial recrystallization in a-quartz. /brokenurl#NULL
- Lieb, K. P., Schwickert, M., Bolse, W., Gustafsson, M., Jokinen, J., & Keinonen, J. (1999). Effects of Ne- and Ar-ion irradiations on Ni/SiO2 bilayers. /brokenurl#NULL
- Habenicht, S., Bolse, W., Lieb, K. P., Reimann, K., & Geyer, U. (1999). Nanometer ripple formation and self-affine roughening. /brokenurl#NULL
- Bolse, W. (1999). Amorphisation and recrystallisation of covalent tetrahedral networks. /brokenurl#NULL
- Merbach, D., Schöll, E., Ebeling, W., Michler, P., & and J. Gutowski. (1998). Electric Field Dependent Absorption of ZnSe-based Quantum Wells: The transition from 2-dimensional to 3-dimensional Behavior.
- Harbsmeier, F., J.Conrad, & Bolse, W. (1998). Generation and relief of mechanical stresses in ion irradiated SiC and SiO2. /brokenurl#NULL
- Michler, P., Vehse, M., Gutowski, J., Behringer, K., Hommel, D., Pereira, M. F., & and K. Henneberger. (1998). Influence of Coulomb correlations on gain and stimulated emission in (Zn,Cd)Se/Zn(S,Se)/(Zn,Mg)(S,Se) quantum well lasers.
- Bolse, W. (1998). Mechanisms of ion beam induced atomic mixing in solids. /brokenurl#NULL
- Harbsmeier, F., & Bolse, W. (1998). Ion beam induced amorphisation in a-Quartz. /brokenurl#NULL
- Michler, P., Lilienkamp, T., Ebeling, W., Gutowski, J., Behringer, M., Fehrer, M., & Hommel, D. (1998). Quantum confined Stark effect of II-VI heterostructures suitable as modulators in the blue-green spectralregion.
- Harbsmeier, F., da Silva, M. R., Bolse, W., da Silva, M. F., & Soares, J. C. (1998). Epitaxial regrowth of C- and N-implanted Silicon and Silicon-Oxide. /brokenurl#NULL
- Bolse, W. (1998). Invited: Mechanisms of ion beam induced atomic mixing in solids. /brokenurl#NULL
- Habenicht, S., Bolse, W., & Lieb, K. P. (1998). A low-energy ion implanter for surface and materials science. /brokenurl#NULL
- Uhrmacher, M., Neubauer, M., Bolse, W., Ziegeler, L., & Lieb, K. P. (1998). Preparation of ion-implanted and sub-monolayer 111In tracer layers. /brokenurl#NULL
- Roccaforte, F., Bolse, W., & Lieb, K. P. (1998). Solid Phase Epitaxial Regrowth of Ion Beam Amorphized a-Quartz. /brokenurl#NULL
- Bolse, W. (1998). Formation and development of disordered networks in Si-based ceramics under ion. /brokenurl#NULL
- Strauf, S., Michler, P., Gutowski, J., Selke, H., Birkle, U., Einfeldt, S., & and D. Hommel. (1998). Excitonic Transitions in MBE Grown h-GaN with Cubic Inclusions.
- Michler, P., Hilpert, M., & and G. Reiner. (1997). Dynamics of dual-wavelength emission from a coupled semiconductor microcavity laser.
- Reimann, K. P., Rehmet, A., Bolse, W., & Geyer, U. (1997). Surface topography of thin Au and Pd films after ion bombardment studied with STM. /brokenurl#NULL
- Michler, P., Neukirch, U., Wundke, K., Gutowski, J., Behringer, K., & and D. Hommel. (1997). Picosecond lasing dynamics of gain-switched (Zn,Cd)Se/Zn(S,Se)/(Zn,Mg)(S,Se) quantum well lasers. /brokenurl#NULL
- Mokhtari, M., Park, H. S., Johnson, S. E., Bolse, W., & Roesky, H. W. (1997). Improvement of Boron-rich Boronitride adhesion through Titanium Boronitride on glass surfaces and optical fibers by Diammonium Hexafluorotitanate and Borazine. /brokenurl#NULL
- Bolse, W., Conrad, J., Harbsmeier, F., Borowski, M., & Rödle, T. (1997). Long and short range order in ion irradiated ceramics studied by IBA, EXAFS and RAMAN. /brokenurl#NULL
- Harbsmeier, F., & Bolse, W. (1997). Nucleation and growth of the amorphous phase in Na-irradiated quartz. /brokenurl#NULL
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Buchbeiträge, Buchausgaben und Zeitschriftenartikel
- Michler, P., & Portalupi, S. L. (2024). Semiconductor Quantum Light Sources. De Gruyter.
- Rodt, S., Vural, H., Portalupi, S. L., Michler, P., & Reitzenstein, S. (2024). Semiconductor quantum dot based quantum light sources. in “Quantum Photonics” in series “Photonic Materials and Application Series”, Eds. Y. Arakawa and D. Bimberg, Elsevier, 2024.
- Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2021). Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers – VECSEL Technology and Applications. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.
- Kahle, H., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2021). Optically pumped red-emitting AlGaInP-VECSELs and the MECSEL concept. In Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers – VECSEL Technology and Applications”. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 197 – 228.
- Bek, E., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2021). Mode-locked AlGaInP VECSEL for the red and UV spectral range: Bd. In Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers – VECSEL Technology and Applications. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 305 – 320.
- Hepp, S., Jetter, M., Portalupi, S. L., & Michler, P. (2019). Semiconductor Quantum Dots for Integrated Quantum Photonics. Adv. Quantum Technol. 1900020.
- Poertalupi, S. L., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2019). InAs quantum dots grown on metamorphic buffers as non-classical light sources at telecom C-band: a review. Semicond. Sci. Technol. 34, 053001.
- Rengstl, U., Jetter, M., & and P. Michler. (2017). Photonic integrated circuits with quantum dots. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Portalupi, S., & Michler, P. (2017). Resonantly excited quantum dots: superior non-classical light sources for quantum information. In Quantum Dots for Quantum Information Technologies, Nanooptics and Nanophotonics Ed. P. Michler. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2017.
- Michler, P. (invited). (2017). Quantum Dots for Quantum Information Technologies.
- Rengstl, U., Schwarz, M., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2016). Photonic integrated circuits with on-chip single-photon emitters. Laser Photonics 1.
- Schaal, F., Rutloh, M., Weidenfeld, S., Stumpe, J., Jetter, M., Michler, P., & Osten, W. (2016). Spatially Tunabel Polarization Devices. In Tunable Micro-optics. Cambridge University Press.
- Becher, C., Meschede, D., Michler, P., & Werber, R. (2016). Sichere Kommunikation per Quantenrepeater. Physik in unserer Zeit 1, 20 – 27 (2016) P. Michler.
- Kessler, C. A., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2015). Electrically driven single-photon sources based on InP/GaInP quantum dots – characterization and application. submitted.
- Rengstl, U., Schwartz, M., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2015). Photonische Schaltkreise mit integrierten Einzelphotonenquellen. Photonik 6, 58 - 61.
- Michler, P. (2013). Verschränkt im Quantenpunkt. Physik Journal, Brennpunkt-Artikel, Heft 1, p.18-19, January (2013).
- Michler, P. (2013). Ideale Photonen auf Bestellung. Physik Journal, Überblicksartikel, Heft 6, p. 35-41 (2013).
- Heldmaier, M., Hermannstädter, C., Witzany, M., Wang, L., Peng, J., Rastelli, A., Bester, G., Schmidt, G., & Michler, P. (2012). Growth and spectroscopy of single lateral InGaAs quantum dot molecules. phys. stat. sol. b 249, 710 – 720.
- Koroknay, E., Schulz, W.-M., Richter, D., Rengstl, U., Reischle, M., Bommer, M., Kessler, C. A., Roßbach, R., Schweizer, H., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2012). Vertically stacked and laterally ordered InP and In(Ga)As quantum dots for quantum gate applications. phys. stat. sol. b 249, 737 – 746.
- Ulrich, S. M., Ulhaq, A., & and P. Michler. (2012). Resonance fluorescence emission from single semiconductor quantum dots coupled to high-quality microcavities. In Quantum Optics with Semiconductor Nanostructures. Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials.
- Jetter, M., Rossbach, R., & and P. Michler. (2012). Red Emitting VCSEL. In VCSELs - Fundamentals, Technology and Applications of Vertical-Cavity Surface- Emitting Lasers (S. 379–40). Springer.
- Rastelli, A., Ding, F., Plumhof, J. D., Kumar, S., R., Trotta., Deneke, Ch., Malchias, A., Atkinson, P., Zallo, E., Zander, T., Herklotz, A., Singh, R., Krapek, V., Schröter, J. R., Kiravittaya, S., Benyoucef, M., Hafenbrak, R., Jöns, K. D., Thurmer, D. J., … Schmidt, O. G. (2012). Controlling quantum dot emission by integration of semiconductor nanomembranes onto piezoelectric actuators. phys. stat. sol. b 249, 687 – 696.
- Schwarzbäck, T., Kahle, H., Jetter, M., & Michler, P. (2011). Halbleiterscheibenlaser für Spektroskopieanwendungen im roten und ultravioletten Spektralbereich. Photonik 6, 46-49.
- Reischle, M. (2010). Quantum optical and electronic properties of InP/(Al,Ga)InP quantum dots in view of their potential in quantum information devices.
- Jetter, M., Rossbach, R., & Michler, P. (2009). Red VCSELs for high-speed data communication via POF. Photonik international, 33-35.
- Michler, P. (2009). Quantum Dot Single-Photon Sources. In Single Semiconductor Quantum Dots. Springer.
- Michler, P. (2009). Single Semiconductor Quantum Dots. Springer.
- Jetter, M., Rossbach, R., & Michler, P. (2008). Rote VCSEL für Hochgeschwindigkeitsdatenübertragung über POF. Photonik 1, 56-58.
- Ulrich, S. M., Ates, S., Michler, P., Gies, C., Wiersig, J., Jahnke, F., Reitzenstein, S., Hofmann, C., Löffler, A., & Forchel, A. (2008). Emission Characteristics, Photon Statistics, and Coherence Properties of high-β Semiconductor Micropillar Lasers. Adv. Sol. State Phys. 47, 3 -15.
- Beirne, G. J., Jetter, M., & and P. Michler. (2008). Quantum optical studies of single coupled quantum dot pairs.
- Michler, P. (2005). Starke Kopplung im Festkörper. Physik Journal 4 (2005) Nr. 1, 16-17.
- Michler, P. (2003). Nonclassical light from single semiconductor quantum dots. In Single Quantum Dots (S. 315–347).
- Bolse, W. (2003). Selbstorganisation dünner Schichten unter Hochenergiebestrahlung / Self-organisation of thin films under swift heavy ion bombardment.
- Butz, T., Witthuhn, W., & Bolse, W. (2003). Erforschung kondensierter Materie mit nuklearen Sonden und Ionenstrahlen an Großforschungseinrichtungen in Deutschland: Status und Perspektiven.
- Bolse, W. (2003). Ionenstrahlmischen mit hochenergetischen schweren Ionen / Swift heavy ion beam mixing.
- Röwe, M., Vehse, M., Michler, P., Gutowski, J., Heppel, S., & Hangleiter, A. (2003). Optical gain, gain saturation, and waveguiding in group III-nitride heterostructures. phys. stat. sol. (c) 0 1860-1877.
- Michler, P. (2003). Single Quantum Dots - Fundamentals, Applications and New Concepts.
- Schweizer, H., Jetter, M., & Scholz, F. (2003). Quantum-Dot Lasers. In Single Quantum Dots: Fundamentals, Applications and New Concepts (S. 185–236). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
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- Scholz, F., Frankowsky, G., Hangleiter, A., Härle, V., Michler, P., Ottenwälder, D., Streubel, K., & and C. Y. Tsai. (1997). Photoluminescence studies on GaInAs/InP Quantum Wells. In Handbook of Optical Properties, Vol. II, Optics of small Particles, Interfaces, and Surface (S. 55–82). CRC Press Inc.
- Bolse, W., Borowski, M., Conrad, J., & Harbsmeier, F. (1997). Amorphisation kinetics in ion irradiated ceramics.
- Crespo-Sosa, A., Bolse, W., Geyer, U., Gimbel, M., & Lieb, K. P. (1997). Ion-beam induced texturing and grain growth in Ag films.
- Michler, P. (1997). Emission dynamics of microcavity vertical surface emitting lasers. In Opto-Electronic Properties of Semiconductors and Superlattices (S. 389–431). Gordon and Breach / Harwood Academic.
- Neubauer, M., Wodniecki, P., Störmer, M., Bolse, W., Krebs, H. U., Uhrmacher, M., & Lieb, K. P. (1997). Ion-beam irradiations of Ag/Fe bilayers - defects, material transport and magnetic anisotropy.