Coherently and Incoherently Pumped Telecom C-Band Single-Photon Source with High Brightness and Indistinguishability

1. August 2024 / R.Joos

[Bild: ihfg]

Long-range, terrestrial quantum networks require high-brightness single-photon sources emitting in the telecom C-band for maximum transmission rates. For solid-state quantum emitters, the underlying pumping process, i.e., coherent or incoherent excitation schemes, impacts several photon properties such as photon indistinguishability, single-photon purity, and photon number coherence. These properties play a major role in quantum communication applications, the latter in particular for quantum cryptography. Here, we present a versatile telecom C-band single-photon source that is operated coherently and incoherently using two complementary pumping schemes. The source is based on a quantum dot coupled to a circular Bragg grating cavity, whereas coherent (incoherent) operation is performed via the novel SUPER scheme (phonon-assisted excitation). In this way, high end-to-end-efficiencies (ηend) of 5.36% (6.09%) are achieved simultaneously with a small multiphoton contribution g(2)(0) of 0.076 ± 0.001 [g(2)(0) of 0.069 ± 0.001] for coherent (incoherent) operation

Publication: Coherently and Incoherently Pumped Telecom C-Band Single-Photon Source with High Brightness and Indistinguishability
Raphael Joos, Stephanie Bauer, Christian Rupp, Sascha Kolatschek, Wolfgang Fischer, Cornelius Nawrath, Ponraj Vijayan, Robert Sittig, Michael Jetter, Simone L. Portalupi, Peter Michler
externer Link Opt. Lett., 49(11), Article 11.

Contact person: R.Joos

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