Quantum Dots for Quantum Information Technologies

21. Juni 2017 / P. Michler

This book highlights the most recent developments in quantum dot spin physics and the generation of deterministic superior non-classical light states with quantum dots. In particular, it addresses single quantum dot spin manipulation, spin-photon entanglement and the generation of single-photon and entangled photon pair states with nearly ideal properties. The role of semiconductor microcavities, nanophotonic interfaces as well as quantum photonic integrated circuits is emphasized. The latest theoretical and experimental studies of phonon-dressed light matter interaction, single-dot lasing and resonance fluorescence in QD cavity systems are also provided. The book is written by the leading experts in the field.

Publication: Quantum Dots for Quantum Information Technologies
P. Michler (Ed) (invited)
externer Link Nanooptics and Nanophotonics
(Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2017)

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Michler




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