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Phonon-assisted robust and deterministic two-photon biexciton preparation in a quantum dot

9. April 2015 / Prof. P. Michler

[Bild: IHFG]

We investigate both experimentally and theoretically a simple yet more robust and flexible alternative to Rabi oscillation-type biexciton preparation protocols traditionally used for semiconductor quantum dots. The quantum dot is excited by a strong laser pulse positively detuned from the two-photon resonance yielding an on demand initialization of the biexciton state by making use of the phonon-induced thermalization of the photon dressed states. It is shown that for excitation pulses in the picosecond range, a stable and high occupation of up to C_XX=0.95±0.02 is reached. Notably, the generated photons show similar coherence properties as measured in the resonant two-photon scheme. This protocol is a powerful tool for the control of complex solid state systems combining radiative cascades, entanglement, and resonant cavity modes..

 Publication: Phonon-assisted robust and deterministic two-photon biexciton preparation in a quantum dot
S. Bounouar, M. Müller, A. M. Barth, M. Glässl, V. M. Axt, and P. Michler
externer Link Publication: Phys. Rev. B 91, 161302 (2015)

Contact person: Prof. Peter Michler

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